What is crossfading? Using cannabis and alcohol together to elevate your highs.

What is Crossfading? Helpful Ways Mixing Cannabis and Alcohol Can Unlock New Highs

  • What is crossfading? Nailing the perfect mix of cannabis with alcohol can result in an entirely new sensory experience. 
  • Crossfading could enhance relaxation, creativity, and sociability. That makes it a perfect option for those looking to spice up their sesh or enjoy a night out. 
  • Different combinations of cannabis and liquor allow you to tailor your crossfade experience to fit your desired mood and vibe.

7-minute read

What is Crossfading?

It’s no secret that there are endless ways to enjoy cannabis. Joints, dabs, topicals, edibles, tinctures一the list could go on! But what is crossfading? It’s mixing cannabis and alcohol, and it’s one of our favorite ways to enjoy both. Despite what some may think, crossfading isn’t about getting as intoxicated as possible. When we mix cannabis and alcohol, the interaction can create a synergistic effect. That’s a fancy way of saying that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This synergistic effect results in a unique and intensified sensation—for some of us, more interesting than the one we can get from cannabis or alcohol alone. Here’s how to do it right.

Crossfading allows you to tailor your experience to match your specific needs.

Isn’t Crossfading for Rowdy Youths?

Many people assume crossfading is a fun, youthful indulgence favored by teens and young adults who are just looking to get both stoned and drunk. But, as legalization spreads, adults are embracing crossfading as a means of more moderate consumption of both. According to a recent report by New Frontier Data, more than 20% of cannabis consumers reported that they also incorporate crossfading into their consumption routine.

Why People are Crossfading

People consume alcohol and cannabis separately for a variety of different reasons. But why would they want to crossfade? Well, the answers also vary widely. Some people are seeking a heightened sense of relaxation or enhanced sociability. Others use crossfading to help them unwind and ease into sleep at the end of a long day. For creatives, crossfading is especially popular. In fact, it’s one of the many ways you can elevate your sesh. It can shift your perspective, ignite new ideas, and help you tap into your inner creativity.

What Happens in Your Body When You’re Crossfading?

We’re gonna take a quick trip back to high school biology class. Don’t worry—there won’t be a quiz! Before we can understand how alcohol and cannabis interact with each other in the body, it’s essential to know how each affects the body individually. Generally, alcohol acts as a depressant on the central nervous system. This can result in altered executive functioning, relaxation, and impaired coordination. Cannabis, on the other hand, acts upon the body’s endocannabinoid system as both a stimulant and a depressant, depending on where it’s being activated.

Which Parts of the Body Do Alcohol and Cannabis Affect?

The central nervous system, or CNS, is made up of the brain and spinal cord. You can think of the CNS as your body’s CEO. It’s responsible for coordinating and controlling all the messages sent by the different parts of your body. The endocannabinoid system, or ECS, is a system of receptors found on neurons all throughout the body. Neurons are the cells responsible for sending and receiving messages. Cannabinoid receptors can be found on your neurons both inside and outside of the CNS. The ECS regulates things like temperature and immune response balanced throughout the body. So, if the CNS is your CEO, the ECS is a team of executives managing everything to keep you happy and comfortable.

How Does Alcohol Work?

When you consume alcohol, it quickly enters the bloodstream and takes the express train to the brain—the CEO. Because it alters brain function, its influence filters down to the communication between neurons. Alcohol primarily interferes with the release of neurotransmitters. This results in a depressant effect that slows down brain activity to produce sedating and relaxing effects. This is why drinking alcohol can lead to impaired coordination, slowed reaction times, and difficulty with cognitive tasks.

How Does Cannabis Work?

Cannabis, on the other hand, contains an array of more than 100 different types of cannabinoids—like THC and CBD. Cannabinoids fit like a lock and key into the cannabinoid receptors of the ECS.  The influence of cannabinoids is far-reaching. When cannabinoids interact with the ECS, they can affect a lot of physiological processes, including mood modulation, appetite, pain sensation, and immune response. But, the way we consume cannabis also can alter its effects.

What Role Does the Method of Cannabis Consumption Play?

With inhalation, through smoking or vaping, cannabis enters the body through the lungs and is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. The onset is quick, and effects can begin to taper within a couple of hours. When we ingest cannabis, however, first it has to make its way through our digestive system before it’s metabolized in the liver. This process takes significantly longer to kick in, but the effects can last several hours. Sublinguals, however, offer a happy medium. Since sublinguals are absorbed underneath the tongue, they bypass the digestive system altogether. This means you can feel the effect much faster than with an edible, and without the smoke and scent that can come with inhalation.

Is Crossfading Safe?

Of course, there’s some risk involved any time you’re consuming alcohol or cannabis. Crossfading can amplify the effects of both alcohol and cannabis, Plus, the combination can affect you differently than someone else. Overconsumption of either can leave you nauseous and dehydrated. But you can reduce that risk by being mindful of your tolerance for both alcohol and cannabis. The more you’re honest about how you feel, the better off you’ll be. So, consider which cannabinoids and types of cannabis work best for you. Most importantly, the number one rule is to start low and go slow. As always, crossfade responsibly. To do that, understand your limits and prioritize your own well-being.

What is Crossfading in the Best Sense?

Crossfading can be a little bit like a choose-your-own-adventure book. That’s because there isn’t a best way to do it. Instead, you can tailor your experience to match your specific needs and preferences. Ask yourself what effect you’re looking to achieve? Depending on whether you’re aiming for relaxation, creativity, or something else entirely, you might have to experiment with different combinations. With all the different ways to consume cannabis as well as the various cannabis strains and types of alcohol, you’ve got loads of choices. And each will likely change your experience.

Crossfading is made easy with a few sprays of the Spritz into your cocktail!

What to Consider When Crossfading

The order and timing in which you crossfade can make a big difference. That’s why we always recommend taking it slow until you have a good understanding of how your body reacts to cannabis and alcohol. When starting out, try to time your consumption so the effects of the alcohol and cannabis are staggered. That way, you won’t feel too much too quickly. It can take some trial and error to find the combination that works best for you. And again, think about what feelings you’re trying to promote with your crossfading.

The Cannabis Aperitif

Want to get yourself in a social mood? Try a cannabis aperitif! Take a quick puff or The Spritz just before heading out for cocktails with your friends. This can ease any lingering social butterflies and prep you for a great night out. Start the night with a little cannabuzz to help reduce social anxiety and slow down your drinking so that you still feel great the next morning.

The 1-2 Punch

If you’re looking to prolong your night out, consider flipping the script. Reverse the order, starting out with a cocktail. Then intersperse a puff here and there as the night unfolds. Since smoking lets you control the effects of cannabis more accurately, a little puff of a joint or vape can give your night the lift it needs without sending you straight to bed—or worse—giving you the spins!

The Edible Nightcap

To wind down on a weeknight, stick with the cocktail first but switch from a puff to an edible. With edibles, of course, the effects of cannabis are different than when you inhale. Smoking provides a quicker onset, while edibles offer a more gradual, longer-lasting journey. So, ease out of work mode with a cocktail and finish up with an edible. That way, you can catch a relaxing little buzz early and, then, enjoy a restful sleep later. The beauty of this strategy is that you can enjoy your dinner, but still be out like a light for the rest of the night.

The Nightcap Disclaimer

Just remember that timing is key. Since edibles take longer to hit, you’ll want to time your combo accordingly. If your edible is fast-acting (½ hour to an hour), then you won’t want to take it until shortly before bed. But if it takes 2 hours, you might end up having your cocktail and your edible at the same time.

Crossfading could give you a heightened sense of relaxation, sociability, and creativity.

Crossfading for Beginners in a Glass

You can also crossfade within your cocktail itself. If you’re a lightweight (like some of us), microdosed cocktails can strike the right balance of alcohol and cannabis to give you a perfect night-long buzz. Sublinguals—like The Spritz, tinctures, or one of the myriad new cannabis beverages coming onto the market are all perfect for making cannabis cocktails. If this sounds like the ticket for you, our High Citrus Sparkler is an absolute standout. It’s so light in both alcohol and cannabis that it’s the ideal cocktail to try crossfading with. You (or your mom!) can enjoy a few of them throughout the night without worrying about overdoing it. And, it’s guaranteed to steal the show at your next cocktail party!

The Easiest Crossfade

Thanks to The Spritz, crossfading has never been easier. Unlike traditional oil-based sublinguals, The Spritz is water-soluble, making it the perfect addition to your cocktail. It mixes seamlessly into your cocktail, with even distribution and consistent potency. Whether you prefer a classic gin and tonic or a refreshing mojito, The Spritz can boost your beverage with a precise dose of THC. Just a few sprays directly into your glass will send you on your way to a crossfading adventure.

High Citrus Sparkler Ingredients

All you need for each serving is 2 oz Prosecco, 1 oz fresh squeezed grapefruit juice, 1 oz Cann Blood Orange Cardamom Cannabis-Infused Social Tonic (.25mg THC and .5mg CBD), and mint for a garnish.

High Citrus Sparkler Recipe

Add prosecco, grapefruit juice, Blood Orange Cardamom Tonic, and ice to a cocktail shaker. Gently stir for 20 seconds. Then, strain into a glass, and garnish with mint.

Or Crossfade With Our Puffloma

For another spectacularly easy cannabis cocktail, check out our video about how to make our infused version of a Paloma—the Puffloma. Cheers!

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