Meet the Artists Who Inspire our Luxury Smoking Accessories

Meet the Artists Who Inspire our Luxury Smoking Accessories

At House of Puff, we love to draw inspiration for our luxury smoking accessories from talented female artists, both past and present. Our unconventional color names honor the lives and works of some of our faves. X-minute read House of Puff is all about supporting artists. We originally hail from the art world and are…

Living Boldly and Colorfully with Paula Flores: How She Finds Inspiration Every Day

Living Boldly and Colorfully with Paula Flores: How She Finds Inspiration Every Day

Paula Flores discusses finding creative inspiration in everyday life and how cannabis influences her work. Her deep connection with nature inspires works bursting with bold colors and vivid hues. 7-minute read High on Hues We’re so excited to be talking again with artist Paula Flores, one of the artists House of Puff collaborates with to…