Everything to Know About the Surprising Potency of Microdosing THC

Everything to Know About the Surprising Potency of Microdosing THC

A Little Goes a Long Way If it seems like everyone’s talking about microdosing lately, it’s because they are. Your hairdresser, your accountant, your totally straight-laced aunt—they’re all taking mini doses of cannabis. Sure, microdosing THC might seem like a sneaky excuse to enjoy cannabis whenever you want. But it’s more than just the latest…

How microdosing cannabis can be a miracle for menopause symptoms

How microdosing cannabis can be a miracle for menopause symptoms

Microdosing cannabis has been a game changer in navigating menopause for Kamili Wilson.  Kamili Wilson founded Menopause Made Modern to create a community for women of color who are going through menopause. Menopause Made Modern provides women with resources, education, and support.  Cannabis may provide relief for many menopause symptoms like insomnia, hot flashes, night…